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Seth and Cathy Weiss, artists volunteering, giving their skills.

100% from art, books, and workshops is tax-deductible, and goes back to SWF Foundation and the community.

Seth Weiss

A retired industrial arts teacher and a former business owner specializing in restoring historic homes, Seth Weiss has always had a passion for working with existing structures. He has a gift for up-cycling materials, and a passion for metalworking.


He is an Elected Artist at the Mystic Museum of Art. He has had a solo show In New Haven, Connecticut, and exhibits his works in many shops and galleries. His private commissions have been a sustaining force for SWF Foundation.


Please sign-up for the newsletter or he can be contacted directly at:


If you would like a tour of Seth's gallery or use it for an event:



(203) 376-2418

Send Seth A Message

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Cathy Weiss

Artist. Dancer. Writer. Poet. Teacher. For the last 25 years, Cathy Weiss has helped design and implement arts venues and programs, along with teaching many arts programs from youth to seniors. 

Cathy, also Executive Director of the SWF Foundation, has spent her life serving others as a radiation therapist, social gerontologist and arts activist. She has a proven track record of solving problems by helping to design, implement, and fund unique projects, especially for the elderly and the arts. She received a lifetime achievement award from the Towers Foundation for doing just that. Also, in 2020 she partnered with The Community Foundation of Middlesex County and developed a donor advised fund specifically to help her town through the pandemic.


Her driving mantra is “Do Good Recklessly”. SWF Foundation contributes funding for the arts. She has been involved in the non profit world for 30 years as a consultant, workshop leader, and funder for major non profits. 


If you would like Cathy to teach a workshop or schedule a poetry reading or book signing:


(203) 376-0892

Send Cathy A Message

Art For Good is a project of SWF Foundation. For more information, please visit

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© 2024 Proudly created by Cathy Weiss

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